Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gold: It's What's for Breakfast

I have finally figured out why I didn't win 8 Olympic gold medals this year. It's because I can't eat a 5-egg omlette, 3 chocolate chips pancakes and 2 pieces of French toast for breakfast (and a partridge in a pear tree. . .). Apparently Michael Phelps drinks a bucket of Gatorade at every meal. The way I figure it, he must have a small army working to feed him. I can only imagine how loud his tummy must be when it growls. Probably that, too, would set a world record of some kind.

On the subject of medals, congratulations to Matt Clark, whose baseball team won bronze at this year's Canada cup. Not bad for a province of less than a million!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy: Thanks for the plug re Matt's Medal win. We will take any and all forms of congratulations - even blogging. Hope to catch up soon.
