Sunday, August 17, 2008

The man behind Can-Lit

No, it's not Northrup Frye, though he is mentioned. And it's not Alice Munro either, who cites him as the single greatest champion of her career when she was an isolated suburban mother, writing perhaps one short story each year. Unbeknownst to me, Robert Weaver encouraged dozens of Canadian authors and poets at a time when the idea of "Canadian Literature" was, according to Margaret Atwood, not only unheard of, but "embarrassing." The podcast is the first in a series "Ideas" - the best program on CBC radio - is doing. Well worth a listen.

On the subject of encouragement, I'd like to dedicate this post to Dr. Jane McLean, English teacher at WHS. Congratulations on the PhD. and thanks for introducing me to the wonderful literature and poetry we have in Canada. And finally, here's Paul Wells on the need for a "Canadian canon" of concert music. Say that five times, fast.

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