Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Your Hurtin' Heart

Many of you know my sister Tracy, the musical chameleon.  She sings jazz, she plays the keys, she studied opera, she teaches many wonderful students 'round these parts.  But before all of that, she was - wait for it -a country singer! 

That's right folks, twang and slang and all those other things your English teacher tried to talk you out of.

As kids, we grew up with Dad singing "Hey, Good Lookin'," and we knew all the words to "Coat of Many Colours" before we left elementary school.  Now Tracy is preparing to release her first ever CD recording - a project she has been dreaming of for years now.  We like to joke that Tracy's having her first "baby" - and it will probably involve a similar amount of love, sweat and tears!

Yours truly has been accorded the golden opportunity to sing back-up and I am pretty tickled to step away from the keys and do my backwoods holler. 

Look for the Hurtin' Hearts coming to a town near you soon. Check out the website to pre-order the CD and support the Heartin' Heart cause.  The CD will be a mix of country/alt-country, jazz and blues, and will feature many fine Maritime musicians and artists.

Pre-order yours, make a donation and help Tracy take her country blues coast to coast!

1 comment:

-Scott said...

I remember first hearing her sing back in high school... and if memory serves, Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" comes to mind.