Monday, March 03, 2008

Monday round up

The liberal government has cancelled public consultations on forestry. Perhaps they've read the writing on the wall - New Brunwsickers think there is too much corporate control of the woods.

Or maybe they just don't feel like taking the tongue-lashing that a lot of angry men in wool plaid are bound to give them.

Read this morning that Jeff Healy died of advanced lung cancer. Carleton County connection: Healy's first teacher was Doug Harten, who lived in Richmond Corner. We have lost so many great musicians lately.

Despite the bad news, I'm soldiering on. Planning for concerts and summer and plays is underway - finally, a chance to do things instead of talking about them (which is hard with 4 feet of snow outside).

Here's a charming book to keep you going. I don't read many novels, but this one really comes to life.

Also: newgrass, anyone? He's playing in Fredericton Thursday, 10pm at the Capital.

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