Saturday, March 01, 2008

In like a lion

March has arrived. Hopefully it will lead to melting snow, although according to the Farmer's Almanc, it might not be for a while.

Anyway, read this ridiculous story about the Harper government, and how they've decided the government can put the kibosh on film or tv funding not deemed 'in the public interest' or 'of educational value.' What I'd like to know is who in Ottawa decided that freedom of expression is no longer 'in the public interest.'

In China, my sister can't access youtube, wikipedia, or All these are deemed not 'in the public interest.' It seems we have taken a small step in that direction as well. Boo.

On the upside, a bunch of people have decided to do something creative every day, whether it sucks or not, and then post it/blog about it. What a great idea~only boring people get bored...

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