Saturday, March 22, 2008

Refusing the quarter life crisis

The people in my church choir laughed the other day when I mentioned the quarter life crisis. Apparently it seems absurd that those of us just beginning careers, looking for mates, struggling with debt, and wandering aimlessly could experience an existential crisis as a result. Not so, I say...

Here's a video clip of my friend Jessica Wise's opera debut at McGill. I can remember the days we ate oatmeal together at 6:30 a.m. so we could be at the conservatory to practice at 7:30. Come to think of it, not that different from teaching public school...

Anyway, give it a look-it's what happens when a person deals with the angst and keeps working for her goal. Well done, Jessica!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Celebrating NB Artists

The NB Arts Board has awarded prizes for top artists in the province. Read about them here. It's heartening to see that other people believe we are having an artistic renaissance. This is something I have felt for the last year or two, and it's heartening that someone in a different part of the province agrees.

New Brunswickers are privileged to a lot of beautiful literature, poetry, and craft. And some good NB musicians on the rise, although less well-known. It's great to see them recognized - leave a comment and let me know who else we should be checking out!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008

Thursday, March 06, 2008

dreaming of real tomatoes

I've been thinking a lot about my food consumption, and how much I miss good food from the garden. Came across this website for International Kitchen Garden Day - looks neat.

Also, link to an audio interview with Jeannot Volpe and the chief forester for JD Irving. I don't know what Irving has done to rub Volpe the wrong way, but he has been very vocal in his criticism of them this year.

The best part of the interview is the Irving forester's failure to directly answer the question "How would cutting more wood off of Crown lands solve the current problems with forestry?"

I'm not convinced he even supports JDI's position that we need to cut more wood.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Food-it's what's for dinner

Awesome link to NFB documentary about dumpster diving.


One man's trash is another man's treasure...

Thanks, Julie!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Call for submissions

Some friends and I are putting together a zine - a 'cultural mosaic' of perspectives from creative writers, grapic artists, poets and commentators. The deadline is July 1st-any topic is welcome. We can't pay you but the warm fuzzy feeling will last forever, I promise.

for more info, email me:

Monday, March 03, 2008

Monday round up

The liberal government has cancelled public consultations on forestry. Perhaps they've read the writing on the wall - New Brunwsickers think there is too much corporate control of the woods.

Or maybe they just don't feel like taking the tongue-lashing that a lot of angry men in wool plaid are bound to give them.

Read this morning that Jeff Healy died of advanced lung cancer. Carleton County connection: Healy's first teacher was Doug Harten, who lived in Richmond Corner. We have lost so many great musicians lately.

Despite the bad news, I'm soldiering on. Planning for concerts and summer and plays is underway - finally, a chance to do things instead of talking about them (which is hard with 4 feet of snow outside).

Here's a charming book to keep you going. I don't read many novels, but this one really comes to life.

Also: newgrass, anyone? He's playing in Fredericton Thursday, 10pm at the Capital.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

In like a lion

March has arrived. Hopefully it will lead to melting snow, although according to the Farmer's Almanc, it might not be for a while.

Anyway, read this ridiculous story about the Harper government, and how they've decided the government can put the kibosh on film or tv funding not deemed 'in the public interest' or 'of educational value.' What I'd like to know is who in Ottawa decided that freedom of expression is no longer 'in the public interest.'

In China, my sister can't access youtube, wikipedia, or All these are deemed not 'in the public interest.' It seems we have taken a small step in that direction as well. Boo.

On the upside, a bunch of people have decided to do something creative every day, whether it sucks or not, and then post it/blog about it. What a great idea~only boring people get bored...