n. 1. The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.
2. The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.
3. Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.
I know it's very quaint of me to care that our current government has been found in "contempt of Parliament." But I hope everyone understands that this is the first time in CANADIAN HISTORY this has happened, and that it has happened twice in a month.
When I look at Stephen Harper and his mean band of merry men, I see people who intend to maintain a grip on power by dragging Canada (and Canadians) into the gutter. As it's probable we move into an election, consider that Harper & co. have:
lied about documents presented in the House of Commons
refused to acknowledge that the government did nothing to prevent the torture ofAfghan detainees
interfered at an aid organization known for its even-handed judgements
shut down Parliament twice to avoid non-confidence votes
defended ministers accused of influence peddling
broken Canada's electoral laws
ignored a Supreme Court ruling that Omar Khadr be removed from Guantanamo and returned to Canada
removed the phrases "international humanitarian law" and "child soldiers" from our foreign policy
removed the mandate for "equality" from the agency responsible for the Status of Women
decided to put forward a budget whose big ticket items are corporate tax cuts, fighter jets and prisons.
Welcome to Harperland - where a "law and order" government acts as if it were above the law. How demoralizing for Canadians. Wake me up when it's over.
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