Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I've changed my mind

I am reading a fantastic new book called "Evolve Your Brain." If you are are interested in brain science, how we learn or how our thoughts affect our bodies, you should read this book too. In it, Dr. Dispenza talks about how we create our personalities through habitual thoughts, and the biochemistry and physiology of how that works.

Repeated thought patterns lead to habits, and those are hard to change if we don't acknowledge that we have created them, that they are not innate. I think this has a lot to do with the NB Power deal, for a couple of reasons:

1. NB'ers historically have been a "have-not" province and we are used to that. By selling NB Power, the government is only reactivating that network in our brains that we can't have anything important or profitable.

2. We do not see ourselves as "fighters" so the public is hesitant to speak up and oppose the deal.
As opposed to our francophone neighbours, who probably would have rioted by now if Hydro Quebec was being sold to Ontario Hydro....

In the book, Dispenza talks about how people say they've "changed their mind" about things. What that really means is their brain has been rewired to consider things differently than before. Your mind has changed, along with your opinion.

Interesting to think about how our thoughts create our realities, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I think that you are right. We are sitting back while the government ruins our province!

Jessica Wise said...

You'd better believe we Québeckers would be up in arms if this was happening to us...