Most people refer to these as a "lake." You know, the large body of standing water suitable for habitat and recreation . . .
It turns out the Harper government is reclassifying 16 lakes in 4 provinces and territories as toxic waste destinations for mining by-products.
This is beyond insane.
Unbelievable. The incredible hubris that we're displaying as a civilization is just astounding. In Saturday's Telegraph there was a commentary piece by Neil Reynolds (former Globe & Mail editor) touting "Solar Radiation Management" as the cure for global warming. SRM involves blasting even more man-made particles into the atmosphere, these ones having the effect of lowering temperature instead of raising it, thus acting counter to CO2 emissions and allowing us to maintain our current fossil-fuel burning, mass-consuming, polluting way of life (seriously, that's the idea behind the whole concept).
STUPID. I actually yelled at the newspaper.
Sorry, he was editor-in-Chief of the Telegraph, and he is a national affairs columnist for the Globe & Mail.
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