Monday, June 16, 2008

Don Wright's tips for jingle-writers.

It's not Shakespeare, but it pays the bills . . .

Don Wright earned his nickname, the Jingle King, by composing catchy ditties for such products as Coffee Crisp, Tide and Carlings Ale.

Before his death in 2006 at age 97, he gave away millions of dollars to support music education at Canadian universities. Here are Mr. Wright's tips for successful jingle writing:

1) The melody line is most important.
2) The bass line is next in importance.
3) These two lines should imply the chord structure.
4) The words must come through. Study grand opera!
5) Keep the mood of the words. 6) Support, not hinder.
7) Do not fill until necessary.
8) No fill should cover the initial syllable, or any other important part of the word.


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