Friday, May 12, 2006

Ready, Set, Summer

Lots of plans are being made for summer; it's time for outdoor concerts, festivals, food. First, some listings for the upcoming weekend, and then some events to watch for later this summer.

Saturday, May 13th: North Lake Jamboree (North Lake Community Hall)
7-10 p.m. Admission by donation. Door prizes will be drawn.

Music by: Side Effects (Gary Beatty, Ray & Barb Kierstead), Sam & Delores Collier,
Donnie Cluff, Helen McCaffrey, Harold Jonhston.

North Lake is a beautiful area, and I used to sing in variety shows here when I was a kid. Check it out, and support the North Lake Recreation Department.

Saturday May 13th: Funstage presents "Jack Five Oh" at WHS 2pm.

I'm not sure what the cost is-I guess you'll have to go and find out!

Ongoing Events

  • Woodstock Farm Market. These hardworking folks are selling their wares every morning (except Sunday) in downtown Woodstock. Don't let the summer go by without stopping in.
  • Saturday Market-Hayward's Potato House, along the TCH, Jacksonville. This was a new addition to the area last year, and I'm glad to see it continue.

1 comment:


you drink to much coffee