Monday, August 13, 2012

Time changes all things

Time marches on, and when you aren't paying attention, you turn look up suddenly to find the scenery has changed.  Lately I don't have much patience for speculation or verbiage, so I've been contemplating letting this blog go.  But I'll give it a couple more posts and maybe a redesign and see how that goes.

Today is my first day off in 41 days.  It's been an exhausting, wonderful and productive summer, at the end of a difficult, emotional year (for personal reasons that I am not getting into).  When I have time to reflect on my life, I can't believe the things I've accomplished, on my own, and with friends.  

Consequently, it doesn't give me much patience for people who whine and complain.  It is possible to make change.  It is possible to achieve your dreams.  It is possible to live out the vision you have in mind.  But it will never be easy, nor should it be.  Sacrifice sets us apart.

A man I grew up with, whose opinions I truly respect, told me once that patience was "the willingness to suffer" while you wait for your desired result.  I think when I was younger, I was not very willing.  I was very impatient, and to some degrees I still am.  Although, now that I'm older, I see that good things do come to those who wait - as long as they work while they wait!

I have a real hunger lately for ideas, deep conversation, meaningful collaborations, and incremental progress.  Time is so precious, and it moves so quickly.  And yet, we can do so much to reach our fullness as human beings if we wade into that river, slow it down and let things take shape.

It's hard to say what this fall will bring.  So many things on the list.  But I know we are capable of meeting the challenges, with deep breaths, laughter, tears and a lot of help from our loved ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure Amy (in another life) you could have been an accomplished columnist that brought peoples attention front and centre to issues that they never took time to really assess, not only on how they impact their own lives, but those around them. I, for one, would hate to see your blog succumb to the world where there is not time to freely express ones own opinions, feelings, joys, sorrows, etc. Maybe it is due in part to knowing an individual quite well that makes the meaning of your blogs all the more poignant. The road of life is most definitely a journey well taken, bettered by those closest too you, softened by those we love and care for. It was never guaranteed that there would not be bumps, but as i learned long ago, family and friends are the springs in the wagon to help make the ride a bit more tolerable.

We know we have become adults when the old saying time goes more quickly as we get older really rings true. Carpe diem, seize the day, live it to the fullest and don't worry, be happy.

An avid fan JFC