Monday, April 16, 2012

Women of note

When I go to gigs or music events, I do a count of women on the stand.  I can't help it, I am curious to see how many of my fellow female musicians are singing or playing in public.  As this article about women writers shows, we are vastly outnumbered by men in the public eye.  
The numbers for women seeking political office are similar - at least in NB and Canada.  In Rwanda, female parliamentarians are more than 50%, and some of the Nordic democracies have reached gender parity).  But I digress....

We attended the East Coast Music Week this weekend.  While the men are still outnumbering the women, I did see a number of female musicians on the up-and-up.  Check them out: Breagh McKinnon (Cape Breton), the Hay Babies, Zwerg (female bassist, yes!), and not to be overlooked, Carmen Townsend.  

These are only a few females among many, of course, but it is encouraging to see the ladies out there rockin' and croonin' and groovin'.  Our Dooryard applicants are over 50% female so that's pretty cool as well.  

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