Sunday, February 28, 2010

So Sue Me

I taught public school for three years without obtaining the B. Ed. degree.  One of the courses the province made me take was school law, where I found out that teachers can be sued by anyone, at any time, for anything.  Later in my short teaching career, the Grade 7 trip to the waterslides was cancelled for fear of lawsuits.  Last summer, after I had resigned from public teaching, our non-profit organization got itself tangled up in zoning and building permit red tape.

 Legalities are everywhere, and everyone is terrified of that next lawsuit, which seems always to be just around the corner.  Here's one lawyer's proposal on how to restore the law to its rightful state of protecting common freedoms instead of hindering them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Africville: a proper apology

Halifax Mayor Peter Kelly will apologize to former residents of Africville who were evicted and their homes bulldozed in the 1960's.  A bridge was built where their community used to be.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

RiVA takes it to the streets....and youtube

Here is a great video prepared by my sister Tracy, about what we are planning for 702 Main Street in Woodstock.  It's super exciting and I would encourage you to dream big as you watch it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One for all my homeboys in the woods

My grandfather shoed horses for men who worked in the woods and my dad worked in the woods.  Working in the woods is the New Brunswick way.

So, here's a cute little video for all you NB girls who 'get' what she's singing about. I can't imagine the liability insurance this guy would need in today's day and age.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The heavy hitters and I agree, for once.....

Great article on the themes coming out of the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos.  While I am always concerned that too much power is concentrated in the hands of too few people, I think these observations are very astute.  The trends discussed in this article will continue to be relevant, methinks.