Saturday, April 26, 2008

The long winter

Everyone is thankful that winter is finally over. It was brutal, in more ways than one. This morning I read about a diabetic man who died because NB Power cut his power last February.

I cannot imagine what it must have been like to be him, frozen and alone, in those last days and hours. What a disgrace. It breaks my heart to know this happened here . . .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Factory Language on Earth Day

For almost six years, I have been preoccupied with industrialism and how it dictates the subtext of our lives: the houses we build, the clothes we wear, the food we grow and eat, how we educate ourselves and even how we speak and think.

In Politics and the English Language, Orwell translates part of Ecclesiastes into dead modern language. The original:

I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.


Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account.

Awful, isn't it? It is so scientific, but tells us nothing. He continues:

The whole tendency of modern prose is away from concreteness . . . Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style.

Think about the natural world, in all its rich diversity. The average human can name a thousand brands (e.g. Tide) and less than ten trees. Why are so many people talking about nothing, and taking so many syllables to do it?

The destruction of habitat, the meaningless quest for more 'stuff,' the standardization and mechanization of everything - we are becoming lifeless and orthodox, unused to seeing, thinking and experiencing things for ourselves.

I realize this all seems pretty bleak, but it is if you stop and think about it. Even f
lowers no longer attract as many bees because the air is too full of pollutants.

When everyone lives in one of four identical boxes and all meals and thoughts have been standardized, will we rest on our laurels and revel in a job well done?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Late Night Blog

It's very unusual for me to be awake after 10pm. Teaching and the music festival keep me very busy, but spring is always a time for hectic activity. Since my brain won't shut up long enough for me to sleep, here goes . . .

I am thinking a lot these days about small towns and their limitations, and whether we are on the verge of enabling some meaningful changes here in Woodstock. Many projects on the horizon lead me to believe it is possible - the upcoming municipal elections (Geoff Stairs is running for council), a third Valley Young Company production, a third season for Music on the Meduxnekeag, our backyard musical, and the upcoming arts forum, new possibilities for arts journalism, discussion of the Civic Centre expansion, the success of downtown shops such as Fusion, Freshmart, Owl Book Shop etc.

I think people are beginning to realize that the arts are for everyone, that they are the core of a welcoming and growing community. Now we need a solid "people network," to reach out to audiences and supporters to speak clearly with a voice that articulates our needs. If we can work together and agree on some common values, we will have the power to changes our little town for the better.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Arts forum April 24th

Even if you can't make it, leave some feedback, okay? And don't pretend like nobody ever asks your opinion, because I'm askin' . . .

Arts Forum: Towards a United Voice Developing a Provincial Arts Organization

DATE: Thursday, April 24 TIME: 7:00PM LOCATION:NBCC Woodstock Theatre, 100 Broadway St.

For more information contact: Mandy Ginson 392-6769, Over the years, there have been several discussions around creating a provincial arts organization complimentary to l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du N-B (AAAPNB) that would serve the Arts Community by providing a network of resources, information and support. Artists, by the nature of their work, tend to be isolated in their communities and may lack the opportunities for professional development, networking, sharing of best practices and promotion.

The purpose of a new provincial organization would be to further the interests of the arts in New Brunswick by unifying arts organizations and artists. Thepotential opportunities generated by the development of a provincial organization are: advocacy for arts issues promotion of the Arts in education creation of a community culture, milieu and environment that acknowledges the Arts profession with worth and respect public awareness of the arts in communities and in the province promotion of the value of arts in society guidance, resources and assistance for artists and their organizations connection for individual artists in their communities, regions and province growth and prosperity socially, economically, artistically and culturally.

In the Spring of 2007 the Adjustment Committee for the Creation of a Provincial Arts Organization was created. It is comprised of Arts Representatives from different regions of the provincial who also represent various arts disciplines. It also has several advisors including l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du N-B (AAAPNB). The purpose of this committee is to assist in the development of the new association. One of the jobs of the committee, with the help of a consultant, is to conduct a needs assessment. The process involves gathering information from two main sources; individual artists and arts groups. Two different data collection methods were suggested in order to ensure a broad scope of the target audience is involved; surveys and community forums.

There will be an Arts Community Forum in Woodstock designed to discuss the development of a NB Provincial Arts Organization. The organization’s proposed intent is to operate in the English language, represent professional artists from all cultures, all disciplines and focus on their needs, be inclusive of emerging artists, amateur artists and friends of the Arts and work in partnership with the sister francophone provincial organization, AAAPNB (association acadienne des artistes professionnelles du Nouveau-Brunswick).

Following the Provincial Arts Association meeting there will be a discussion regarding the possibilites of a civic centre expansion and arts centre. Members of the Needs Assessment Committee will be present to gather feedback from the community.